Divination ⊕ Astrology ⊕ Tarot
I refer to myself as an amateur astrologer, acknowledging I am self-taught, for the most part, with the aid of some brilliant books and astrologer friends.
Astrology was part of my upbringing. I’ve been reading, studying, and talking about it since I was twelve. I learn best through active participation so the readings I have received over time have spurred my understanding. By high school I was casting simple charts and reading for my friends. So I began to watch my friends’ transits, assessing how they played out in real time. And of course watching the times we live in.
At eighteen I picked up my first Tarot deck. My love of art and history were instantly engaged, and my study began. I still use that deck for readings, among several others.
I bring a Pagan, Interfaith, and Queer perspective to my readings. I am trained in the art of Magic, Reclaiming Tradition specifically. I have a natural intuitive ability that aids and guides my readings. My interfaith training brings a universal appreciation for all faiths and a wide view of God, while appreciating your personal relationship with deity. In addition, I have spent over thirty years in finance. I bring my understanding of markets, trends, and history to any conversation.
In my readings I look to be pragmatic, expansive, generous and kind, without pulling the punches that need to be spoken. This is how I want my readers to be with me, so in my mind I pay it forward.