Astrology Blog by Urania

The Jupiter-Saturn Conj. Dec 21, 2020, & beyond…

The stellium in Capricorn has broken apart, past 6 degrees of separation. Saturn and Jupiter sit together at 0 degree Aquarius. Not the most comfortable of cusps, strict Capricorn into reach-for-the-stars Aquarius. Sounds easy. It is not. Plus, Pluto lingers behind, less potent now, but that influence won’t go away, insidious you might say. By 2023 Pluto will enter into a conj with the USA natal Pluto which is really a 'rebirth or die' promise. On December 27 it enters the potent 3 degree orb. Meanwhile, the Jup/Sat conj is just one thing happening. There is a lot of action…

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The Jupiter-Saturn Conj.   Dec 21, 2020, & beyond…
Peaking Out! Mars retro at its peak.

Peaking Out! Mars retro at its peak.

26 Sep Mars has spent all week squaring the gang of 3 in Cap. The Patriarchy is feeling progress, and rightfully so, they got some things they really wanted. Venus in Leo, trining retro Mars in Aries, tries to soften the rash anger of warriors without a just cause. There is no rebellion in Me First! and Me Only! doctrine but from the inside that is impossible to see. Mars retro in Aries has hit its peak, so Venusian softness will only be seen as weak. Mars is hungry for some (cartoon) action and doesn't believe in consequences. Venus quincunxes…

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New Moon Forward

17 Sep             New moon in Virgo Make magic for what matters most to you. 21 Sep             Mercury in Libra squares Pluto retro in Cap – The Good challenge the Uncaring. It's public but nobody wins 23 Sep             Mercury in Libra enters shadow phase. All things Mercury retro start to go wrong, show signs of failure, need fixing – you already know the drill. 27 Sep             Mercury into Scorpio Is it truth or Is it fake news? How do you know? Mercury in Scorpio is easily distracted by the rabbit hole and its promise of deep mystery.…

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New Moon Forward
Dark Moon in Cancer

Dark Moon in Cancer

It's the second Dark Moon in Cancer in this Moon cycle. Turn your attention to your home, your family - chosen or bio; animal, plant and mineral. Here are the things that sustain you, be it Mookie the Cat or the lemon balm in the backyard or the beloved who has ridden out the storm at your side. Here are the things you help sustain. Gather close. Remember what it means to claim family. Safety. Security. Tender. Trust. Remember you live within circles and circle of family. This is time to take that to heart. In the coming weeks we…

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Happy May!

The Sun, Mercury, Uranus cluster in Taurus makes May Day’s lust for radical physical change front and center. We become more aware of systems out of balance, our part to play. This cluster is in a wide trine to Jupiter in a separating conjunction to recently turned retrograde Pluto in Cap. Pluto’s response to the need for radical change is to over focus on radical, pretending the change is whether you can go get your hair cut or not, instead of securing free healthcare for you.  Jupiter helps to carry the message. As does Neptune at the midpoint of Pisces…

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Happy May!
Magic to be found

Magic to be found

Two weeks ago the inner planets clustered together in Cap, Aqu, Pis and Aries, one quarter of the chart was incredibly weighted. The crosstalk was so LOUD, so outrageous and so misinformed. Of course you wear a mask! Of course this is deadly. Of course we are ill prepared. Since that time those inner planets have moved on, spreading our across the wheel/globe. Sound familiar? Messages have become more distinct. Its slow though. On April 7 the full Super Moon in Libra and the Sun in Aries are going to square the Pluto Jupiter conjunction. Eris, Goddess of Discord, is…

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Grace and Vision amidst Lies.

4/3/20 Mercury Conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Lies, lies and more lies. Aries Sun trine Moon in Leo, Uranus in Taurus squares the Moon. If the above is obfuscation and conspiracy, consider this to be the noise that keeps the truth from being heard clearly, that includes the truths being shouted, and whispered, into the melee as well. Its better now than it was. People are starting to see truth, rather than hear it. Evidence based practice will win eventually. It may be a slow motion tidal wave of AH-HA as people start to die in places that have been acting…

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Grace and Vision amidst Lies.
Comeuppance at Crossroads

Comeuppance at Crossroads

So here we are at the end of time. Together. Like we planned. The warning bell has sounded. It’s been clanging noisily in the background for 40 years, but whatever. The tune changed. Got real The doomsday clock has begun to ring the Midnight hour. Cinderella has realized her error lingering over a suit. She’s on the rundown the stairs hoping the magic holds even as sparking shoe flies off Seriously girl, those were not made for running. Right now, today, Saturn’s Day, March 21, 2020, Saturn hovers at 29 degrees Capricorn. Saturn. Time’s Master. A Founder of Civilization. Authority.…

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Consciousness. Curiosity. Cud.

At 3 degrees Uranus is getting some growth, think the young bull, the yearling. You are learning this way of consciousness, consciousness is a force of its own. Let interest and curiosity be your guide through the bigger picture. Go easy. The energy out there is kinetic. Like the Magician, you can ground within it, learning to wield it, as well as follow it. Mercury is deep in its pre-retro shadow. A week from today it goes retro. Know that the coming errors are opportunities; for what, remains to be seen. Also, choices long put off are rearing their heads…

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Consciousness. Curiosity. Cud.
Mercury Sextile Uranus

Mercury Sextile Uranus

You might just spit out the the truth you've been keeping silent under your tongue in a long attempt to prop up your status quo. You may or may not even like that status quo but the unknown alternatives keep you trying to support the support you've been supporting for support. Ah, now there is there thing. You may have to piece that out to really understand what you are doing. Its a good day to untangle knots of thought, communication, and idea. However, once loose of the knot, those threads can easily tangle again, so go slow when you…

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Saturn Conj. Pluto

  We start the year off with the old year lingering. We've got the 5 planetsin Cap, the stellium is live and happening now, the conjunction tightens as we approach its exact point on January 12, 2020. What we know: The totalitarian state is on the rise. Its ugh-ly out there folks. The infamous Oppressors are real, and are on the attack. Imperfect as they were, the successes of the last century are disappearing, failing. Judges collude with the defense. Comeuppance has left the room. At the Lofty Heights and Deep Below, Pluto is all brag about the bad guys.…

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Saturn Conj. Pluto
New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius Make an arrow of what you most desire, long for, where and how you want the world, your world, the world around you, the greater world, to be a year from now. Vision it. Go wild. Dream big. Its Sagittarius we are talking here! Use all the things at your disposal Your sadness, your fury, your love, your hope, your amazing imagination, your willingness to grow, your breath, your voice, the energy of crafting, the energy of the earth. Its all been swirling and percolating these long months of 2019. Now is not the time to…

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Sun Saturn Opposition

Why is a sun oppose Saturn hard? Personality, who you are, staring what must be known, owned, in the face. Plus its eclipse season. That’s why it’s hard. Right now Saturn and our home star are staring each other down in Cap and Cancer. Its tense, even if you are out of the direct lines of fire. The squares to Libra and Aries are probably more difficult than the opposition. For some it comes from authority figures, teachers, bosses. For others, add the voices of the inner critic, the higher power, common sense.   Its only for one day but…

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Sun Saturn Opposition
Solar Eclipse in Cancer

Solar Eclipse in Cancer

Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Right now its all pointing to or circling around the North Node in Caner. How are you at doing YOU? You get a few days to ponder that and then three weeks to review life for any course corrections, which can begin in earnest after August 7. Don't sell yourself short. Take yourself wide. Reach to grow. You deserve you at the highest, best level of YOU. Call it Godd self. Call it higher power. Call it authenticity. I really don't care what you call it as long as you do the work to know yourself.

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New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini Everyone has dreams. Conservatives have dreams. Liberals have dreams. All the IDs in between and beyond have dreams. They speak to our lack, and our ability. So, what are your dreams? For you, for your community, for your state (such as it is), for this planet? Write them down. Journal about your gifts and challenges. Know where you want to grow. Know what you want to leave behind, compost. Let this be the To-Do List underneath your daily to-do’s. We are at the front edge of our creative/destructive patterns.  The planets are set up in an…

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New Moon in Gemini
Pluto Goes Retro In Capricorn

Pluto Goes Retro In Capricorn

Pluto goes Retro in Capricorn. A redo of the recent past. Ah, what fun. Between now and October 3rd we’ll review, redo, restate, reinvigorate our personal and collective dance with power. In a week, Saturn, also in Cap, will retrograde as well. In the planet wide consortium power has taken precedence over care, love, grace. Its not time to hope for improvement, though it is always time to work against injustice. Right now we are treading water to stay afloat, and while that is tiresome, we can only do what we can do. All that gibber-jab we are listening to…

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Mercury Conjunct Neptune

Mercury Conjunct Neptune This is number 3, so by now, you've developed the charm necessary to get your vision across, lost the ability to communicate entirely and drifted into the deep wide ocean void to float this one out, or you are still yelling the same lines you started with back on 2/19/19 when Mercury made the first pass across Neptune. Granted, those lines have developed nuances, and different emphasis along the way. Once you accept that the answer is in the response, loud and clear or silent as the grave, you can lay back and write some poetry on…

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Mercury Conjunct Neptune
Venus moves into Pisces

Venus moves into Pisces

Venus moves into Pisces. Venus in Pisces for the next while. could be the balm we need from the last 10 weeks - its been a bit of a rough game out since the turn of the year, forward momentum can cause stumbles, skinned knees. Venus in Pisces will be happy to help us slow down. Swim deep into the the erotic, the restful, the dreaming. PS: Also expect the absurd, the weird, the Wyrd. Especially around all things fem, mermaid, and way out there. PHOTO CREDIT: Photo: Jvdas Berra Model: Nohemí Hermosillo @ New Icon Model ManagementStyling: Alonso RiveroM&H:…

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Spring Mercury Retro

Oh dear. Mercury Retro. In Pisces. With Neptune. Oy. Some things may get soggy and diluted to the point of dissolution. Or distilled if you are able to walk like that but I don't think there is gonna be much walking. More like swimming. Its a time for Mer people, Sailors, and Surfers to flourish.???? We need the washing, rinse cycle right now more than ever. In Pisces its all about seeking feeling depth. Go with the flow, the deep fathomless flow into the dark depths unknown. Dissolve there. Don't worry about reforming. Swim more, worry less. On March 25th…

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Spring Mercury Retro
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