Oh dear. Mercury Retro. In Pisces. With Neptune. Oy. Some things may get soggy and diluted to the point of dissolution. Or distilled if you are able to walk like that but I don’t think there is gonna be much walking. More like swimming. Its a time for Mer people, Sailors, and Surfers to flourish.???? We need the washing, rinse cycle right now more than ever. In Pisces its all about seeking feeling depth. Go with the flow, the deep fathomless flow into the dark depths unknown. Dissolve there. Don’t worry about reforming. Swim more, worry less.
On March 25th Mercury will turn direct.I don’t even know what it will look like then. Different. Washed out. But only part way. Cause then we turn around and come back through it all to see it from a different perspective, the view from behind. And we will have gained understanding, possibly that grown up sensibility we call emotional intelligence.