9 Sep               Mars in Aries Stations Retro – All the actions of the
last 10 weeks are up for review; Consequences can trigger awareness and learning
but can be punitive and unjust.

Sun in Virgo Trine Jupiter retro in Capricorn –
Justice wants so much to be REAL. But this is a quick moving transit and right
now the best we can hope for is some judgement that will be challenged or a
great speech that has no apparent weight in the moment. Though inspiration can
go a long way on this day.          

10 Sept            Mercury in Libra Opposite Chiron in Aries – probably a
bad newsday about Covid-19. Maybe this is the 200K day. Tend to your own
healing, and those close at hand or heart.

11Sept             Sun in Virgo Opposite Neptune retro in Pisces – Fake
news day. Lies might come to surface but also probably just get further drowned
in the sea of lies. Take a bath.

13 Sep             Jupiter stations direct – Justice
just got bigger in Capricorn. This is both good (Good opinions from Judges) and
awful (AG Barr). I will err on the side of good because from here until June 2021
Jupiter is direct, moving forward. On the Dec 21, 2020 Solstice Night, Jupiter
(with Saturn) moves into Aquarius. (Don’t be fooled. This is the most volatile
of all the cusps. The back and forth over the following 18 months will be real
and intense), heralding the AGE Of AQUARIUS has actually arrived. Now we just
have to work for it be birthed alive.