Mercury Conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Lies, lies and more lies.
Aries Sun trine Moon in Leo, Uranus in Taurus squares the Moon. If the above is obfuscation and conspiracy, consider this to be the noise that keeps the truth from being heard clearly, that includes the truths being shouted, and whispered, into the melee as well.
Its better now than it was. People are starting to see truth, rather than hear it. Evidence based practice will win eventually. It may be a slow motion tidal wave of AH-HA as people start to die in places that have been acting immune to everything.
Pluto conjunct Jupiter at 24 Capricorn. The beginning of the next Pluto/Jupiter cycle. Short term, Comeuppance and coverup. Expect more of the same. There may be some revelations. Definitely there will be more dismantling of gov’t services, and the current services proving their inability to handle large stresses. Trust that a ton of ugly bad shit is happening behind the scenes, gov’t or otherwise. Long term this is political and judicial transformation with ambition at its core.
Of the flip side of this coin:
Mercury and Neptune together are working to combat this virus in the lab and the dreamtime. Mars in Aquarius is about to sextile Chiron in Aries and that is also innovative, forward thinking and not afraid to try. Venus enters Gemini to trine Saturn at 0 degree Aquarius. This is an excellent conspiracy for planning, visioning what matters and means the most to you. Its fast moving, the effects could be immediate or long term, past when you will remember what you do today. Its spring, dream big of a bright future. Know it will require hard work.
We are all seeking Grace in this time. Just make sure you are telling the truth. That is the job of humans who are interested in the COMMON GOOD. Truth. Kindness. Generosity. It’s hard to find in the charts of the these days. Everything is under the influence of lies, the telling, the believing of them, denying them, reacting to them.