Be as kind as you are brave. Be as brave as you are kind. Note tenderness. Note fortitude. Invoke air if your thoughts are stuck in loops. Drink water. Sing if you are alone. Laugh if you are with friends.

This is a week of emotions, and exclamations. A lot is happening in water and fire signs so life is full of feelings and expression. Heavy hitters, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are all in earth signs for the long haul. Grounding? Um… I wish? Try startling, like an earthquake. Or entrenched like the GOP. The Moon is the only player bringing air to the table on the 10th & 11th in Libra. So take a deep breath on Wed & Thurs as we dive straight into the depths of Scorpio on Friday. Like I said it’s a feeling week.

The North Node, the work that needs to be done to overcome karma, blindspots, inherited privilege, all of our personal and collective ‘stuff,’ in Cancer is ready for the nurturing that brings healing. Saturn, the ability by which we can harness the work to study, learn, and thereby lead, in Capricorn says this is the work before us but won’t get out of its own way. Gentleness and nurturing might feel far away, they are mysteries that are hard to explore. Vulnerability might feel too dangerous, but sharp edges aren’t gonna help either.

It’s not easy with Jupiter retro in Sag making all kinds of slip ups. Neptune in Pisces squares Jupiter and best intentions may burn up in the face of reality. The real star of the next three weeks, Mercury is also in retro. It is passing through the beginning of Leo, hitting Mars on 7/14, probably with some sort of Leoine bang! On 7/18 it slips back into Cancer so feeling gets easier but communicating needs might be harder. (See vulnerability comment above.)

All of these retros are the learnings coming at you, fast or slow. You might fall off the trajectory of selfcare this week. You might need to reschedule what you thought would come easy. You might be mad about all the things that cause disruption in your day to day. Yep. The first step in selfcare is catching the moment when you can change your thoughts, repattern your thinking. Its all a practice. Be joyful in your small successes, and patient with yourself, and others, when plans change.